Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

About Us
About Us
About Us
About Us
The undergraduate Program in the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department welcomed its first students in September 2009.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering provides the building blocks for a wide variety of industries, from digital systems to financial technologies, from power and energy systems to communications engineering. Our department's top-notch faculty, dedicated to excellence in undergraduate education and research, guide our students as they explore topics such as circuit design, digital systems, signal processing, optics, microwave, renewable energy, and communications.
Our students are trained in an engineering culture that enables them to construct, implement and test systems that will meet the needs of the sector with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they have gained by using research and teaching laboratories designed to support student-faculty collaboration, and is prone to teamwork and interdisciplinary work.
Designed to provide a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, coding, and compulsory electrical and electronics engineering courses, our curriculum provides students with the flexibility to deepen their specialization in today's high technology areas and explore advanced systems and applications through elective courses.
Özyeğin University Electrical and Electronics graduates can develop energy-efficient solutions for electronic products and devices that improve the health, safety, and quality of life of people around the world, and make their lives easier. In addition, in line with Özyeğin University's entrepreneurial university philosophy, our students gain a good command of business subjects and industry knowledge that enables establishing new technology-based companies.
Özyeğin University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department includes Bologna standards in its structures. The undergraduate program has had the educational accreditation since 2015 by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MÜDEK).
Program objectives
Our graduates will be able to:
- work as electrical and electronics engineers, researchers, or managers in national or international companies and other institutions,
- pursue master's or doctoral degrees in electrical and electronics engineering or a related field in graduate schools worldwide and eventually hold faculty positions in academia,
- develop new products based on advances in electrical and electronics engineering and/or start new high-tech companies.
Learning Outcomes and Competences
Upon successful completion of the program, the students are expected to gain:Communicate effectively, write, and understand a report and make a presentation in Turkish and English.
- Work individually and in intra- and inter-disciplinary teams.
- Recognize the need for life-long learning and continually reinvent themselves by accessing information and following new developments.
- Have knowledge of project management, risk management, change management, innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.
- Be aware of ethical responsibility and demonstrate ethical behavior.
- Be aware of sectors, formulate a business model supporting a business plan, and have knowledge of social responsibility.
- Be aware of engineering problems of the era, global and societal impact of engineering solutions on health, environment and safety, and legal consequences of engineering solutions.
- Be aware of professional responsibility and standards used in engineering applications.
- Have knowledge of current engineering applications and computer programming.
- Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by selecting proper analysis methods and applying proper modeling methods.
- Develop, select and employ modern techniques and tools including IT technologies for analyzing and solving complex problems in engineering applications.
- Design and conduct experiments, gather data, and analyze data and interpret results for investigating complex engineering problems or research topics.
- Design a complex system, process, device, or product to meet desired needs within realistic constraints and conditions by employing modern design tools.
- Have knowledge of differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, discrete mathematics, probability, statistics, and physics.
- Have breadth of knowledge in electrical and electronics engineering encompassing circuit design, digital systems, electronics, electromagnetics, signal processing, and communications.
- Have depth of knowledge in one of electrical and electronics engineering areas of signal processing and communications, analog electronics and devices, power and energy systems, or digital systems and software.